Our Projects

Stark Energy has a 100% track record in securing planning consent for our projects, and we are currently developing or constructing over 1GW of solar PV projects in Europe.

Whirlbush Solar Project

Whirlbush Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Whirlbush Solar Project is located near Thame in the district of Aylesbury Vale. The project will connect into a nearby 132kV substation via a short cable route. The project is located on low grade agricultural land which has historically been used for grazing sheep, and the land will be able to retain its agricultural function through sheep grazing for the 40 year lifetime of the project. The site has been carefully selected to avoid nearby Public Rights of Way and benefits from existing screening in the form of mature and established hedgerows. The project received planning consent in March 2022.

By-Pass Solar Project

By-Pass Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

By-Pass Solar Project is located near Grantham in the district of South Kesteven. The project will connect into a nearby 132kV overhead line, and is the result of a collaborative effort between Stark and three local landowners. The project is located on low grade agricultural land, and will retain its agricultural function through the grazing of sheep during the 40 year lifetime of the project. The project received planning consent in February 2021.

Green Farm Solar Project

Green Farm Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Green Farm Solar Project is located in Melton, on land owned by the Belvoir Castle Estate. The project will connect into a nearby 132kV overhead line, and has been selected for development due to the low grade agricultural land and the low visual impact on the surrounding landscape and heritage assets. The land will retain its agricultural function through the grazing of sheep during its 40 year lifetime, at which point the land will be returned to agricultural use. The project has a designated “Biodiversity Enhancement Area” which will make a positive contribution to promoting Biodiversity in the area. The project received planning consent in August 2022.

Haunton Solar Project

Haunton Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Haunton Solar Project is located in the district of Lichfield, to the north of Tamworth. The project is a collaboration between Stark and four local farming families, who have welcomed the opportunity to diversify their businesses and contribute to an environmentally friendly energy project. The land will retain its agricultural function through the use of sheep grazing, and has been carefully selected to avoid best and most versatile agricultural land. The diversification of the landowner's less productive land at each of their farms will enable them to focus their operations on farming their best land in an increasingly challenging climate. The project will connect into a nearby 132kV overhead line. The project received planning consent in April 2022.

Littleton Solar Project

Littleton Solar Project

  • UK
  • 31Mw
  • 9,300 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Littleton Solar Project is located in Wychavon, to the north east of Evesham. The project will connect into the local 66kV distribution network, and has carefully been sited to ensure the development has minimal impact on the surrounding landscape and is located on low grade agricultural land. Planning permission was granted to the project in January 2021.

North Farm Solar Project

North Farm Solar Project

  • UK
  • 20Mw
  • 6,000 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

North Farm Solar Project is located in North Dorset, to the south of Blandford Forum. The project benefits from a nearby 33kV connection point, and very high irradiation for the UK. The land is currently used as a pig farm, and has been selected to avoid using best and most versatile land, whilst minimising the impact on the surrounding character of the landscape. The project will be an extension to an existing solar development located in neighbouring fields at the farm. Planning permission was granted to the project in June 2021.

Brynwell Farm Solar Project

Brynwell Farm Solar Project

  • UK
  • 21Mw
  • 6,300 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Brynwell Farm Solar Project is located in the Vale of Glamorgan to the west of Cardiff. The project will be connected into the local 33kV distribution network. The land has been selected to minimise the impact on the surrounding landscape, and is sited on grade five agricultural land which is currently used for livestock grazing. The agricultural use of the land will continue through the grazing of sheep, but with the added benefit of the land producing green electricity for local consumption. The project was granted planning consent by the Welsh Government in November 2022 and will begin construction early in 2023.

Docking Farm Solar Project

Docking Farm Solar Project

  • UK
  • 28Mw
  • 8,400 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Docking Farm Solar Project is located in Norfolk in the Broadlands district. The project benefits from an on-site 33kV connection into the local distribution network and has been carefully sited to avoid the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land, and to minimise the impact on the surrounding landscape. The project's lifecycle of 40 years will enable the land to recover from decades of intensive farming and maximise its future productivity once returned to agricultural use. The site benefits from existing screening in the form of mature and established hedgerows. Planning permission was granted to the project in January 2022.

Five Lanes Solar Project

Five Lanes Solar Project

  • UK
  • 44Mw
  • 13,200 Houses Powered
  • Under Construction

Five Lanes Solar Project is located in Wiltshire, on land owned by the Charlton Park Estate. Stark have worked closely with the estate to identify a suitable site for the project which ensures that it has a minimal visual impact on the surrounding landscape and is located on low grade agricultural land. There are no public rights of way in close proximity to the site meaning it can operate quietly in the landscape with minimal impact on the local public amenity of the area. The project will be connected into a 132kV overhead line exporting electricity in the local distribution network. The project was granted planning consent in August 2023.

Kimblewick Project

Kimblewick Project

  • UK
  • 40Mw
  • 12,000 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Kimblewick Solar Project is located to the south of Aylesbury and sits within the Buckinghamshire district. The project benefits from an on-site 33kV connection into the local distribution network and comprises of 100% low-grade agricultural land, safeguarding the preservation of “Best and Most Versatile” land. The project will continue to serve an agricultural purpose through the grazing of sheep and the benefits of the scheme are significant, most notably it will provide clean and secure renewable energy to 12,000 UK homes. The site benefits from established screening in the form of mature trees and hedgerows, and these will be enhanced to further screen the project and deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain.

Mareham Lane Solar Project

Mareham Lane Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Mareham Lane Solar Project is positioned to the south of Sleaford and occupies low-grade agricultural land. The project will connect into an existing nearby substation and has been selected for development due to its Grade 3B classification and flat topography which minimises its impact on the surrounding landscape. The site will retain an agricultural function during its lifecycle through the grazing of sheep. Existing trees and hedgerows provide robust screening, and this will be enhanced with additional planting to provide further screening and deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain through a range of ecological initiatives. There are no public rights of way through the site meaning it can operate quietly in the landscape with minimal impact on the surrounding area.

Mount Farm Solar Project

Mount Farm Solar Project

  • UK
  • 35Mw
  • 10,500 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Mount Farm Solar Project is located on land to the south of Evesham in the district of Wychavon. The project will connect into a nearby 66kV overhead line and is the result of a collaboration between Stark and four local landowners. The site selection was carefully considered to use land adjacent to an existing solar farm to mitigate the project’s impact on nearby villages and avoid creating a new area of development within the local landscape. The extension project is located on low grade agricultural land in accordance with National Planning Policy and will retain an agricultural function through the grazing of sheep.

Wood Lodge Solar Project

Wood Lodge Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Wood Lodge Solar Project is situated in the district of North Northamptonshire, on land to the east of Thrapston. The site has been carefully selected to avoid views from nearby villages and utilise land adjacent to the busy A14 trunk road. The land is largely Grade 3B and ensures the preservation of “Best and Most Versatile” land for food production. The project's lifecycle will enable the land to recover from decades of intensive farming, enhancing its productivity when returned to its current use.  The project benefits from an on-site 132kV connection into the local distribution network and will provide secure and renewable energy to 15,000 homes.

Pilmoor Solar Project

Pilmoor Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Pilmoor Solar Project is located on land to the south of Thirsk in the district of Hambleton. The project will connect into an existing on-site 132kV overhead line and is the result of a collaborative effort between Stark and two local landowners. The project comprises of 100% low-grade agricultural land, ensuring that no best and most versatile land is taken out of agricultural production. The land benefits from established screening in the form of mature trees and hedgerows and these will be enhanced to further screen the project and deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain. The benefits of the site are significant, most notably it will provide clean renewable energy to over 15,000 UK homes.

Potterne Solar Project

Potterne Solar Project

  • UK
  • 50Mw
  • 15,000 Houses Powered
  • In Development

Potterne Solar Project is located in the district of Wiltshire, on land to the south of Devizes. The project benefits from an on-site 132kV connection into the local distribution network. The site has been carefully selected to utilise low grade agricultural land and avoid taking best and most versatile land out of agricultural production. The project will continue to serve an agricultural purpose through the grazing of sheep and will provide secure renewable energy to over 15,000 homes. The topography of the land is flat ensuring its impact on the wider landscape is minimal. Existing trees and hedgerows provide robust screening, and this will be enhanced with additional planting to provide further screening and deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain.